August 10, 2009

This embrace.

I had a dream last night. There was my mom in it just like she was 18 years ago, oh, it's such a long time... I went and gave her a hug. I wanted to protect her and tell her she was not alone and I could come to her to give my love anytime. I loved her 18 years ago and I love her now, and in this embrace I recreated a moment among our best times, when I cared deeply although I knew things were so tough for her: the responsibility of bringing me up, going to work even when she didn't like it, waking up every morning and smiling through hard times.

In this embrace, there were all the holidays that she offered me above the difficulties, there was the abandonment of self in order to take care of me. Maybe she did not know how to take care of both of us, but she chose to take care of me and I know now she did her best.
In this embrace there were all the wrongs that we left behind and forgave.

I believe life was so hard for her, but the most important thing is that she never gave up.
In this embrace I told her I was on my own now and I could take care of myself.
And this embrace is the most beautiful thing and I am happy to be able to make it, then and now.
No matter what happens, we'll always have this embrace.


Anonymous said...

OMG! That's my T-shirt and that's my story too. Multumesc inca o data! MD

Cristina Kittn said...

MD, ma bucur ca te-am cunoscut si ca avem multe in comun!