September 14, 2010

How to... have a fresh t-shirt

Hi! Today I am going to tell you how to wear your autumn. You will need the following: t-shirt or blouse, a few plants or leaves that you like (and you can find on the ground), textile paint, medium brush, water, tissues, blank papers (not newspapers). Let's begin...

... with very important work cautions: you might want to thoroughly organize everything, so that you avoid unwanted paint spots all over the place including the t-shirt. Don't forget to place paper inside the t-shirt so the back doesn't get printed too. Choose the plants.

Take one, put it on a piece of paper, start applying paint with the brush, then place it on the t-shirt. Cover the painted plant with another piece of paper and press lightly. Remove the paper and the plant. Wash the brush and repeat as many times you want, changing the plants and colors.

Correct the design by adding color drops with a fine brush - I used golden tint for the final touch.
Here it is:

Have lots of fun creating your own :-)


Spiridus said...


liliana_lourenço said...

I love it! Great idea! :) **

Fifi said...

excelenta idee... ce atita cautam stampile... uite aici "stampile"... mercic...super

dragonfly said...

ce bine arataaaaa :)

Cristina Kittn said...

multumesc Spiridus, imi pare rau ca nu sunt fotografiile foarte calitative.

Cristina Kittn said...

thanks Lil, maybe we can meet and experiment some more (imperiais) together :-))

Cristina Kittn said...

Fifi, poti folosi orice... Trebuie pasiune si rabdare!

Cristina Kittn said...

dragonfly, o sa fac mai multe si mie imi place mult cum iese, e altceva!

sasha said...

ce frumoooos :) go go Planet !

Cristina Kittn said...

... and the planeteers!
Multumesc pentru post!

armyofmice said...

a iesit tare frumos. ceva in genul asta face mama cu ouale de paste :)
te asteapta un premiu la mine pe blog.

Cristina Kittn said...

Multumesc, Dana, da, mi-am amintit si eu metoda, era in principal cu patrunjel nu? :-)
tx for muffin, yum

sasha said...

eu multumesc tie ! :)