March 15, 2011

Any ideas?

Ioana chose a t-shirt and before I go bla bla about artistic pangs I want to say how gorgeous she is wearing the (former) kitten logo, hand painted especially for her, of course. She is even taking part in a make-up contest and I hope kittens help her win. She sure looks confident!
Now back to drawing, I wanted to confess I still haven't had the inspiration for a new header. If you want to help me soul searching, you are always welcome to share your ideas.
So how is it going to be?


Anonymous said...

maybe a written kitten and a paw attached, if you want to keep it simple and pretty?

Cristina Kittn said...

dreamer lady, thank you for your suggestion. I see it kinda the same, simple.

sasha said...

you have my vote for the above suggestion :)