June 17, 2010

Fala português?

I've been busy learning Portuguese lately... I understand almost everything and I can also talk a bit, but here are some of my favorite things to say:

Adoro dançar.

As cerejas estão muito boas.

Não tenho medo de dragões.


Anonymous said...

And with that do you really need to learn more portuguese? :)

On another note, what do you feed a pet dragon? (I suppose love?: )

Cristina Kittn said...

love and presunto sandwiches :-))

Monica Mitrica said...

love you dearest!

Cristina Kittn said...

Amo-te tambem :-D

Andreea said...

eu stiu sa zic doar coracao, dar e suficient, nu? kissez!

borderliner said...

heeey...how do you say "I am a rainbow kitten!" in portuguese! meowy hugs 2u!

Cristina Kittn said...

Bib, hai sa adaugam si adjective,uite stiu un cantec: coraÇao vagabundo :-))

Cristina Kittn said...

M... Eu sou um gatinho arco-íris!