August 30, 2010

New kittens.

Today I was also a model for the t-shirts that I created. I wasn't too professional, but I enjoyed every minute of it - Viviana was seriously talking the photos as some guys were giggling behind her (I'm sure they liked kitten t-shirts a lot).

So... here's a new kitten in town, hand painted with lace appliques on a cotton t-shirt...

A hand painted green-eyed kitten girl that's looking up to stars...

And two dreamers (shaped as giraffes this time) on an original hand painted & appliques t-shirt.

Well, that's it! I hope you liked my funny faces as well as the new designs - oh, by the way, all t-shirts are customizable - colors and sizes may vary by request.

Have a wonderful new week everyone!


Anonymous said...

doamna, te tii bine! what's the secret except feeding on love? :D
Maria, din nou (doar ca mi-e lene sa ma loghez :D)

Andreea said...

awesome skinny kitten!

Cristina Kittn said...

Pai de la mine de acasa pana la gara e fix 1 km. Imagineaza-ti ca fac drumul de cel putin 4 ori pe zi, pe jos. In plus, toata zona aici e pe dealuri.

Cristina Kittn said...

tx Bib, but I'm not skinny - it's just that the photos are great :-)

sasha said...

ussi, geniale girafele :) ! sau ma rog girafo-turtles :)

Cristina Kittn said...

multam, nu stiu cat de bine se vad in poza, in realitate sunt si mai dragute!

sasha said...

se vad foarte bine. foarte fain stilul. Poti lansa o noua colectie - girafele verzi, be how you wanna be" :)

Cristina Kittn said...

O sa mai urmeze tricouri mix: pictura si aplicatii textile.