October 9, 2010

Computer Love.

Aliniere în centruCamyla and Paulo have a computer shop here in Cascais. They are a sweet couple and even if you don't know their language to well they are willing to help. They printed my documents, my business cards and my flyers and they all the time did it in joy.
Paulo ordered a t-shirt, of course it would be with a computer design as he is so passionate about them, and I sketched a drawing. Camyla and I say it's so cute and lovely, but Paulo wants it to be more hi-tech and manly. So until we lose the hearts and the girlish coloring I want to show it to you anyway, in the hope that you catch their good vibe.
Have a cool weekend everyone, be it outdoors or in front of the computer screen, sipping your favorite drink and talking to your dear friends!


ina said...

Mie-mi place foarte mult. Are un mesaj pe care-l citesti "printre randuri", doar daca vrei...
Dar ce stiu eu, eu sunt fata, baietii sunt din alta coca :))

Cristina Kittn said...

Am impresia ca e o faza de genul "da ma da, o iubesc mai mult decat pe calculatoare, dar nu recunosc"

ina said...

Cam asa ma gandeam si eu, sau ceva de genul: baaaai, nu ma puneti sa aleg intre ele doua ca mi-e greu...

Cristina Kittn said...

Sa stii ca s-ar putea sa fi atins un punct sensibil :-))