October 9, 2010

Welcome, Autumn.

It's been raining here for a few days and it looks like autumn has settled on this coast of the Atlantic as well. I am still hoping for some sunny days of a late summer, but for today I put my favorite jeans on, a shirt (and a kitten t-shirt under it, of course) and Marco's dandy scarf over and I went to Cristina's AmorCorvo in Lisbon with the new creations. The t-shirts are all unique, as being done by hand they can never be reproduced exactly the same. Some of the designs are new, some are older and some are upgraded by having wings-like-sleeves.

I couldn't help not to take a shot of the t-shirts hanging next to my name tag as well as the beautiful creations of the talented designers that help making the shop look like a fairytale house.

Lots of kisses to you from... under the umbrella!


sasha said...

they all look so nice, wish you only the best with the start of the new season

Cristina Kittn said...

multumesc mult, nici nu stii ca am nevoie. Sau poate stii?

sasha said...

nu stiu, dar te simt. :) sau asta o fi stiinta ? habar n-am :)

Cristina Kittn said...

hei ma bucur ca ne intalnim undeva intr-o dimensiune, sau poate pe un norisor ceva... Sa spunem ca nu e cea mai buna perioada din viata mea, dar optimista fiind, ma uit la partile bune. Simt si nu simt nevoia sa vorbesc despre asta: sa vorbesc ar insemna sa ma insingurez mai putin, sa nu scriu despre asta pe blog inseamna sa nu impovarez mintile si inimile oamenilor cu lucruri care nu le apartin. Aleg a doua varianta, I'm a big girl, toate trece :-))

sasha said...

as zice ca e bine si ca esti f curajoasa :)

stii, oamenilor curajosi suta-n suta nu le este greu sa faca lucruri, pt ca au acea siguranta in ei si lucrul in sine nu prezinta o dificultate.

de fapt cred eu ca oamenii carora le e putin teama sunt adevaratii curajosi. ca le e de 10 ori mai greu sa faca un lucru si cu toate astea tot il fac. :)

so go for it, girl ! the world is expecting :)

Cristina Kittn said...

Multumesc cu tot sufletul. Asa zice si Marco, the world is expecting, dar eu m-am cam blocat putin. Stiu ca va trece impasul, fac eu lumina (de unde si ultimul desen...)

sasha said...

pai io zic ca daca spune atata lume, e clar o conspiratie a Universului si va iesi bine :)