March 22, 2011

3 x 0,50 m garden

Choose the plants/flowers you hope want to grow. Stare at them for ages dreaming of how you'll wake up feeling their scent this summer.
Clean your garden/pots/space by removing the weeds. I know, all plants are our friends, but unfortunately they don't get along so well with pansies and carnations.

Pretend your arm doesn't hurt where Mr. Cactus stung and contently watch the garden.
Plant the seeds following the instructions - some need to be deeper, some at distance, etc.

Rest. Enjoy the view. Think about your friends and wish they will come over.
Post on your blog about a very relaxing household activity.


Bo3mia said...

Oh, that's a beautiful day! and I must say I miss having a balcony. :)

I also planted some tulips and right now I'm enjoying them grow! It's amazing!


Cristina Kittn said...

Wow how sweet, hope to see photos with 'your babies' soon!

sky said...

oooh, fingers crossed! ;D

Cristina Kittn said...

.. for friends visiting?! :-))

sasha said...

ai flori ? :)

Cinnamon said...

Oh, you have such a great view, and such lovely sunny weather!
I dream of retiring in a sunny place in the south :P

Cristina Kittn said...

... filme si fete si baieti :-))
deocamdata e un cactus agresiv din dotare si astept 20 de zile pentru primele frunzulite ale florilor, asa scria pe pachet.

Cristina Kittn said...

Cin, right now I dream of a crowded polluted London :-) The climate is kind, the view is great, but I would choose it just for the holidays. Or retirement, like you intuitively said.