March 23, 2011

Meanwhile, in Portugal...

... people name their houses. It's so pretty and captivating as you walk, read and begin to imagine stories that you have to really watch your step. I've seen girls names, last names, saints names, flowers, places and on some just mysterious nicknames or pretty things that one likes...

... while some are romantically called The (insert name) Couple.
You should also know that vivenda is a one family residence and moradia signifies that there are separate owners in the same house.

Would you name your house? What would you write on the wall?


borderliner said...

Eu gostaria de nomear minha casa Vivenda do Mudanças ... como em "A História Sem Fim" de Michael Ende. Eu mesmo tenho a minha própria senhora Aiuola.
Abraços de gatinho a tu! ^_^

Cristina Kittn said...

hehehe, somebody has properly done their languages homework!
Muito obrigada pelo apoio 'gatinho', gostaria de ler um e-mail com noticias sobre ti.

sasha said...

hei, meanwhile in Romania :) in vestul tarii casele au scrise numele mostenitorilor pe paretele dinspre starad; de ex vezi "Ana si voicu" :)

eu nu cred ca mi-as numi locul, mi-ar fi teama sa nu ma atasez prea mult de el.

Cristina Kittn said...

Bravo hani, uite la asta nu a gandisem. Totusi,mi-as atarna la geam un 'kittn studio' ceva.