It's 1 a.m. and I got home. I've been working a part-time job for a month now in a supermarket at the bread and cafeteria department. Yep, I bake and arrange cakes, I carry trays and buckets, I make and serve coffee, cut and pack bread, wash and clean the place and many more. It's not as poetic as it may look, as it all has to be standard and technical. I'm working a lot and during these four hours every day I barely find the time to have a glass of water.
I don't wanna cry much though, it's one of those things that I need to do for now, a part of the plan to follow my dreams. I pay attention to people and games they play (as always), I discover, I learn and I am proud of myself that I can get the best out of any experience. A friend of mine said the other day it's a fine line between getting better and getting bitter. Well, I choose the first option and it takes a lot of strength to be able to do that as I need to go on with my head up.
I was saying in the previous post that I need more time daily. Often, I feel that the only things that keep me straight are just a dream, an image or having tea with him on the sofa when we meet at night. I am not alone, I have a wonderful partner who, by the way, works hard too. Being together makes more sense, we clearly look to the future and believe, we enjoy the present even if it's mostly very tiring (when he says he's my blanket so I'll never be cold, I'm ready start the day all over again).
But getting back to tonight, it's already 3 a.m. and I finally finished the How To post. So here goes, enjoy and try to have as much fun as you can, no matter what.
You will need a blank t-shirt (be it new or older, colored or not), pencil, scissors, pieces of fabric (as different as they are), small pieces of thicker fabric, pins, needle & string, a favorite image to repeat (in my case giraffes, surprise, surprise).
Draw the contour of your drawing on each piece of fabric. You can draw different sizes on the different pieces. Patiently cut along the lines (don't worry if the margins are not perfect, perfect is so yesterday's news). Cut as many figures as you want and start arranging them as a composition on the t-shirt.
Carefully pin the pieces on the t-shirt...
... and cut the eyes (or other elements needed) off the thicker fabric. I used felt, but you can always work with leather, eco-leather, oilcloth. Pin them over the figures and begin sewing on the edges. You don't have to be an expert, I think it looks good with any kind of stitch. You can always add bows, lace, or any other personal touches to make your creation unique...
... and remember to have fun!
One day, I will make things differently. Today is the day.
I don't wanna cry much though, it's one of those things that I need to do for now, a part of the plan to follow my dreams. I pay attention to people and games they play (as always), I discover, I learn and I am proud of myself that I can get the best out of any experience. A friend of mine said the other day it's a fine line between getting better and getting bitter. Well, I choose the first option and it takes a lot of strength to be able to do that as I need to go on with my head up.
I was saying in the previous post that I need more time daily. Often, I feel that the only things that keep me straight are just a dream, an image or having tea with him on the sofa when we meet at night. I am not alone, I have a wonderful partner who, by the way, works hard too. Being together makes more sense, we clearly look to the future and believe, we enjoy the present even if it's mostly very tiring (when he says he's my blanket so I'll never be cold, I'm ready start the day all over again).
But getting back to tonight, it's already 3 a.m. and I finally finished the How To post. So here goes, enjoy and try to have as much fun as you can, no matter what.
You will need a blank t-shirt (be it new or older, colored or not), pencil, scissors, pieces of fabric (as different as they are), small pieces of thicker fabric, pins, needle & string, a favorite image to repeat (in my case giraffes, surprise, surprise).
Draw the contour of your drawing on each piece of fabric. You can draw different sizes on the different pieces. Patiently cut along the lines (don't worry if the margins are not perfect, perfect is so yesterday's news). Cut as many figures as you want and start arranging them as a composition on the t-shirt.
Carefully pin the pieces on the t-shirt...
... and cut the eyes (or other elements needed) off the thicker fabric. I used felt, but you can always work with leather, eco-leather, oilcloth. Pin them over the figures and begin sewing on the edges. You don't have to be an expert, I think it looks good with any kind of stitch. You can always add bows, lace, or any other personal touches to make your creation unique...
... and remember to have fun!
One day, I will make things differently. Today is the day.
I am sure that things will get better and better and better .. :)
Today is the day. ;)
Kisses. **
Stii ceva? Ma uimesti cu sinceritatea ta si pe zi ce trece imi esti tot mai simpatica. Na c-am zis-o!
cat de misto !! :)
si tricoul si autoarea postului. :)
And guess what, tomorrow is a brand new one.
Thanks, Lili!
Multumesc Sasha, si tu esti misto. Si halatul :-)
Ina, mi-e dor de tine si sa stii ca nu doar te simpatizez, ci te si respect. Hai ca te imbratisez tare!
Cool! :)
Uite sunt invidioasa pe Ina aceea de care-ti este dor si pe care o respecti si o imbratisezi, pentru ca din toate astea deduc ca o si cunosti... deci nu e vorba despre mine :( Dar imbratisarile, ca si zambetele, nu costa nimic, nu-i asa? Si eu te imbratisez tare-tare!!!
Nu m-am mai uitat la avatar, dar stiu ca am doua Ina-prietene pe aici :-) COmentariul e valabil si te mai imbratisez o data, ha! :-)
wow. foarte fain tricoul. poate ca o sa imi fac si eu unul. imi plac de mor alea cu pisici. am si eu o pisica acasa, cam nebuna ...
ciao :)
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