February 8, 2012

Paper lamp shade + butterflies

Hi, cats.

I'm in love with the 6th thingy. We used plain paper, a paper lamp shade, scissors and glue. It took about 20 minutes to make everything and about two days to post it, yikes. I guess color paper, maybe red tones + black, would have been cool too. I tried painting a few butterflies but the paper lost its shape so we went back to simple.

So what do you think, hot or not?
(It kinda screams Valentine's Day, doesn't it)


sasha said...

zboara, puiule, zboara.. :P pardon, fluturasilor :)

nu mi-e clar daca lampadarul e facut de la zero.

Cristina Kittn said...

:-)) Nu e, l-am cumparat cu fabulosul pret de 1 eur